Do you need a royalty-free music provider for stores, shops and businesses?


Royalti-free music for music-setting companies

We are representatives of a company providing royalty-free music for music companies, music thread or music for shops, shops and businesses.

The pricing policy that applies is by local that uses royalty-free music, so it is very convenient when starting a business of music thread or music setting.

Continuously expanding catalog of quality music, free of authors and publishers rights organizations (SGAE). Business model developed with writers and producers of the highest category, who work independently of management companies, therefore, all users have the possibility to save, considerably, in the payment of licenses, without compromise the established standards.

All music is copyright-free around the world with thousands of high-quality songs, which are added monthly, allowing a continuous flow of music from the traditional to current trends. Diversity in the music catalogue extends throughout almost every genre, including both instrumental and vocal tracks. If necessary, the best teams of composers and producers are available to write and create music that suits a particular project, very cost-effectively.

Musica libre derechos comercios, negocio, tiendas


Lots and variety of royalty-free songs and styles

All these factors offer a real alternative of high quality music and production for companies that wish to experience substantial savings in licensing rights, without breaking any standards or sacrificing quality, thus maintaining the brand, style and image through music.


Everything you can do with Kasimu.

Plan your venues’ music and ads

Choose or create playlists for each day. Upload your ads and plan your ad guidelines. If you have several locations and need a special playlist, we can create it for you. You can select a schedule for each store or the same for all. If you wish, you can lock the program so that no one changes your schedule.

Play the music

Install our software at each location (venue) with the corresponding username and password. The music will start playing automatically depending on what you’ve planned. If you have an Internet connection problem, the music will continue to play without interruption.

Manage the planned

You can change the schedule of music and ads in one or more stores at once from your dashboard. You can also know in real time what’s playing in each store or download reports for a specific period.

Many brands already trusted our music services.


Kasimu customers Ambient music for shops, restaurants and hotels
Kasimu customers Ambient music for shops, restaurants and hotels

74% of people claim that music is important or very important in their lives.


50% of people stay longer in venues with music.


83% of consumers prefer a place with music and the 14% buy more.


31% of the guests revisit a establishment with music and the 21% recommends it to other people.

Do you need more information?

Do you need more information?

Call us at (+34) 606 025 800

Or fill out the form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible

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